【Welcome to Taiwan!!!】
Aesculap Academy Taiwan
The 12th Lectures and Hands-on Cadaver Dissection Course for Cerebrovascular Microneurosurgery
(April 6-9 2017)
臺北榮總 - 陽明大學 神經外科腦血管解剖課程
Program Director:
Ali Krisht, M.D.
ANI. St. Vincent Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Program Co-Director:
Min-Hsiung Chen, M.D. (陳敏雄醫師)
Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Lab Coordinator:
Sanford P.C. Hsu, M.D. (許秉權醫師)
Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Chih-Hsiang Liao, M.D. (廖致翔醫師)
Wei-Hsun Yang, M.D. (楊為巽醫師)
Wei-Hsin Wang, M.D. (王緯歆醫師)
Jui-To Wang, M.D. (王瑞鐸醫師)
Chun-Fu Lin, M.D. (林俊甫醫師)
and other honored guests!!!
Come and enjoy the course, delicacy, and scenery in Taiwan!