以內視鏡合併栓塞處理困難治療之頸動脈-海綿竇廔管 (Carotid-Cavernous Fistula)
並將治療經驗發表於8月份美國神經外科醫學會期刊 JNS (Journal of Neurosurgery)
J Neurosurg. 2016 Aug 5:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
Endoscope-assisted transsphenoidal puncture of the cavernous sinus for embolization of carotid-cavernous fistula in a neurosurgical hybrid operating suite.
Tang CL1, Liao CH1, Chen WH2, Shen SC1,3, Lee CH1, Lee HT1,3, Tsuei YS1,3.
Endoscope-assisted transsphenoidal puncture of the cavernous sinus for embolization of carotid-cavernous fistula in a neurosurgical hybrid operating suite.
Tang CL1, Liao CH1, Chen WH2, Shen SC1,3, Lee CH1, Lee HT1,3, Tsuei YS1,3.
(由 JNS Publishing GroupPRO上傳)
(影片中,栓塞時用槌子敲下去,一針入腦那一刻最 impressive 喔!)